Building a Role-Based Access System in Node.js
Organizations of all sizes have to limit access based on the hierarchy of users in a system. Let's implement a role-based access system in Node.js.
Organizations of all sizes require developers to limit access to certain resources and the rights to implement certain effects based on the hierarchy of users in the system. In this article, we'll be looking at how we can implement a role-based access system in a Node.js server.
To be able to follow the rest of the article, you should be familiar with the following:
Node.js and how to use it to create a server
Database creation with Mongoose
Before we continue, let's explain some fundamental concepts.
What is a Role-Based Access System?
Role-based access control (RBAC) is a security approach that restricts network access and assigns permissions to users based on their role within an organization.
A simple example of a role-based access system is a blog with a set of permissions that allows users to create, edit, read, or delete articles in a writing application. For this blog, we could implement three roles:
The Reader can only read an article, the Writer has permission to create, edit, delete and read articles, and the Admin can add or remove a Writer. With a role-based system in place, a Reader will not be able to access the Writer's role and a Writer will not be able to access the Admin's role.
How Does a Role-Based Access System Work?
Role-based access systems rely on every user or entity within a system having a designated role. This role determines their permissions. Here's how it works:
When a user creates an account, a role is assigned to the account based on its group. This role is then stored alongside other information in the database.
When the user attempts to access a protected route, our middleware retrieves the user's information from the database.
The user's role is cross-checked to confirm if their role matches the required role to access the information.
If the user's role matches the required role, access is granted. If not, access is denied.
Advantages of a Role-Based Access System
The following are the benefits of using a role-based access system:
Security: Coupled with proper authentication processes, RBAC enhances overall security as it pertains to privacy, confidentiality, and access management to resources and other sensitive data and systems.
Reduces susceptibility to cyber attacks: As different groups have different roles and no one person has sole control of the system, cyber attacks on a single account are less likely to cause substantial harm to entire systems.
Decreases unnecessary customer support: In some systems, multiple passwords are assigned to a user for different routes and endpoints. The more passwords are assigned to a user, the more likely they are to forget them. Role-based access control takes away the need for multiple passwords and instead grants access based on the initial role assigned to a user.
Establishing organizational structures: RBAC makes it easy to distinguish which user is responsible for each task. This makes it easier to know who did what and uncover the culprit of an information leak or a network issue.
Disadvantages of a Role-Based Access System
Despite the numerous advantages of a role-based access system, there are certain downsides, including:
Role explosion: When a new worker or team is onboarded and their duties haven't been properly outlined, more roles may be created. Similarly, when a user from one group requires access to information from another group, a new role is assigned to this user. The addition of many roles makes it difficult to keep track of who has access to what, thereby complicating the role structure and compromising the effectiveness of the system.
Conflicting combinations: Different roles assigned to different users can contain conflicting access. For example, it’s possible that a user can be given a role that enables them to create an order and the role required to approve the same order. This can create business threats.
Best Practices for Implementing a Role-Based Access System
When building a role-based access system, you can take action to maintain the system and reduce confusion.
Define the data and resources to which access should be restricted.
Classify users into different groups based on their roles and required access to certain information. Any unnecessary exceptions should be cleaned up.
Avoid creating too many roles. Creating too many roles defeats the purpose of the system and might lead to role explosion.
Make roles reusable. If only one user in a system has a particular role, that role should not be managed by a role-based system. All defined roles should apply to groups of people, otherwise, you'll have too many roles.
Analyze how roles can be changed when necessary, how new users can be registered, and how old accounts can be deleted from a group.
Continually adapt. The first iteration of a role-based system will require some changes, so the system should be continually checked and adapted to encompass a growing organization.
Building our Node.js Web Server
For better understanding, we'll build a server for a company that has three departments:
Software Engineering
Human Resources
First, we'll create a directory for our server. Navigate to a suitable directory and run the following code in your terminal:
After creating our directory, we'll navigate to this directory and initialize npm:
Installing Required Packages
For this project, we'll use the following dependencies and packages:
dotenv: This package loads environmental variables from an env file into Node’s process.env object.
bcrypt: This is used to hash our passwords and other sensitive information before sending them to the database to protect us against a breach of our database.
body-parser: This is used to parse incoming data from the request body and attaches the parsed value to an object which can then be accessed by an Express middleware.
jsonwebtoken: This provides a means of representing claims transferred between two parties, ensuring that the information transferred has not been tampered with by an unauthorized third party.
Express.js: This makes building APIs and server-side applications with Node.js effortless by providing us with useful features such as routing, implementing middleware, and so on.
Mongoose: Helps us connect with our database and provides features such as schema validation, managing relationships between data, etc.
Setting up our Database
For our database, we'll be using a Mongo Atlas database. You can create an account and easily link it to your Express server by following these steps:
To create our employee schema, copy the code below:
Setting up User Authentication
Before the role-based access system checks for a user’s role, we'll need to set up a route to get our employees into the system. After this, we'll grant them access to certain resources based on their roles.
We’ll set up our logic for user signup, login, and authentication. Let’s start with signup.
User Signup
For our Signup endpoint, we will do the following:
Receive the user's information from the frontend request
Hash the password
Send the information to our database
Redirect the employee to the sign-in route
With that done, we have set up our signup logic. Let's set up our login logic.
User Login
Every employee that wants to log in has to log in from the route designed for their department. For example, if a software engineer tries to sign into the system via the login route for the marketing department, the software will deny access.
For our login route we'll do the following:
Receive the employee's information from the front-end request
Verify that the employee exists in our database
Check if the employee is signing in via the correct route for their department
If the user is signing in through the route for their department, we'll then check if the password is correct
If the password is correct, the user information coupled with a JWT token will be sent to the client side
Adding our Role-Based Access System to our Server
Every logged-in user has a JWT token; we'll create a middleware that checks for a token. This middleware will also verify the token.
We'll also create another middleware for restricting access to certain routes to only users with specific roles.
The employeeAuth
function checks for the presence of a JWT. If it finds one, it then verifies it.
The checkRole
function checks if the user requesting access has the required role to access that route.
Setting up our Routes
In this section, we'll be creating the following sets of routes and applying the required middleware.
Sign-up routes for each department
Login routes for each department
Protected routes for each department
Testing our Application
To test out our application, we'll create a demo user named Victor with a Software Engineering role.
With our user created, let's try logging in.
Our user logged in correctly! Now, let's try logging in from the Human Resources department’s route.
We can see that our user cannot log in via another department’s route. Success!
Now, let's try accessing the protected routes.
Our user can access the Software Engineering protected route because that role is assigned to him. Let's try accessing the Human Resources route with our software engineering user.
In this article, we talked about role-based access systems, their benefits, and their downsides. We also looked at how we can implement a role-based access system in Node.js. Happy coding!