
Jun 17, 2024

Jun 17, 2024

Data Scarcity: When Will AI Hit a Wall?

As AI models become larger and more powerful, the limitations of current data sources can create a shortage of training data that could have several consequences.

Books lying open.
Books lying open.
Books lying open.

There is a huge amount of AI training data on the Internet with more being created every second. It might seem that there would never be data scarcity in artificial intelligence. However, there is a growing concern about data scarcity in AI. The limitations of current sources may create a data shortage for AI model training data, especially as the models become more powerful.

What if AI is running out of training data? What happens when the flow runs dry? This post describes what is happening and what may happen by answering the types of questions a reporter might ask. Here's a breakdown of the "why," "when," and "how" of the potential AI data shortage.

Why is Data Scarcity a Problem?

In the AI model training process, an AI uses data from the past to interpret the present and predict the future. Imagine a self-driving car. Its success depends on a vast dataset of traffic scenarios, weather conditions, and pedestrian behavior. If this data pool dries up, the car’s ability to navigate the ever-changing world will decrease.

To better understand the AI language model training issue, imagine you're teaching a child a new language. The more words and phrases they encounter, the faster they can learn. But if you only repeatedly show them the same words, their learning will slow and eventually stop. Similarly, models that have limited AI training data sets will have a limited ability to learn new concepts, generalize effectively, and adapt to changing environments.

This issue with LLM model training can lead to several issues:

  • Reduced Accuracy: AI models trained on insufficient or biased data can experience performance decline, leading to inaccurate results, biased decision-making, or an inability to adapt to new situations.

  • Limited Generalizability: An AI trained on one specific task might struggle to perform well on a different task, even if the tasks seem similar.

  • Complexity of Tasks: As more sophisticated AI systems are created, the complexity of tasks increases. This demands even richer and more diverse datasets for training. Also, as models get larger and larger, performance improvement may become smaller and smaller. It becomes harder to optimize the model and overfitting (inaccurate modeling) may increase.

  • Stifled Innovation: The data bottleneck could slow down the development of new AI applications and hinder advancements in the field.

What Data Scarcity Problem Already Exists?

The reasons for the scarcity of data are multifaceted. For example, facial recognition software trained on a limited dataset already struggles to identify faces with diverse characteristics. The book Unmasking AI by AI researcher Joy Buolamini describes in detail some of the biases that currently exist in AI algorithms. There already is a data shortage for any group or dataset that is underrepresented on the Internet for any reason.

Privacy concerns are increasing, making people wary of sharing personal information. Also, the nature of data itself is evolving. As AI is increasingly used in complex domains like healthcare and finance, the need for more nuanced and specialized data becomes critical. However, obtaining such data often requires navigating ethical minefields, especially when dealing with sensitive information and absolute security requirements.

  • Quality Matters: Not all data is high quality. For example, many of the Chinese knowledge representations (longest tokens) in the new AI GPT-4o are drawn from gambling, pornography, and scams. Low-quality data, especially the failure to appropriately cleanse data, can lead to unintended consequences.

  • Limited Scope of Existing Data: Much of the data used for training AI currently comes from readily available text and images scraped from the internet. This data is often biased, repetitive, and doesn't reflect the real-world diversity that AI needs to function effectively.

  • Data Labeling Bottleneck: Supervised learning, a common approach, requires data to be manually labeled. Consequently, this labeling process is time-consuming and expensive, especially for complex tasks like image recognition with nuanced details.

  • Ethical Concerns with Data Collection: Scraping vast amounts of data from the web raises privacy and ethical concerns. New regulations and user awareness make large-scale data collection more challenging. There are numerous lawsuits challenging companies’ use of copyrighted data to train existing AI systems.

  • AI's Growing Appetite: As AI models become more complex, they require exponentially more data for training. The current rate of data generation might not keep pace with the increasing demands of sophisticated AI algorithms.

  • Increased Hallucinations: An AI tends to invent information (hallucinate) when no valid response can be generated from its known knowledge. Thus, as the number of possible questions about events not in its training data increases, the probability of hallucinations also increases.

When Will Data Scarcity Become a Major Problem?

  • Predictions and Timeframes: There's no definitive answer for when and how much of a problem data scarcity will become. Researchers have made predictions about reaching a data bottleneck, but the exact time frame varies depending on the specific field of AI and the pace of innovation in data collection and utilization techniques. It also depends on the data type, such as text or images.

  • Gradual Slowdown Rather Than Abrupt Halt: A lack of training data is more likely to cause a gradual slowdown in AI progress rather than an abrupt halt. AI development might plateau or become more specialized in areas where sufficient data is available.

What are the Possible Consequences?

The consequences are far-reaching. AI's ability to tackle complex problems in healthcare, climate change, and scientific research could be stifled. The dream of artificial general intelligence, a machine capable of human-level reasoning, might recede further into the horizon.

This data drought doesn't just impact AI developers; it has broader implications. Here are a few areas to consider:

  • The Future of Jobs: If AI advancements slow down due to limited data, it could affect the timeline for automation and job displacement in various sectors.

  • The Ethics of AI: Even with solutions like using synthetic data to train AI, ethical considerations around data privacy and potential biases remain crucial.

  • The Value of Human Expertise: The "human-in-the-loop" approach highlights the continued importance of human judgment and expertise in the development and deployment of AI.

The data scarcity issue is a reminder that AI is not a magic bullet. It's a powerful tool, but like any tool, it has limitations. By understanding the limitations and working towards sustainable solutions, we can ensure that AI continues to evolve and benefit society.

What Solutions are Being Considered?

The journey towards advanced AI may not focus on ever-increasing amounts of data. Instead, we might overcome data scarcity by shifting to using data more intelligently and increasing collaboration between AI and humans in the learning process. This would require new approaches, and researchers are exploring several solutions:

  • Active Learning: AI models could be trained to identify their own knowledge gaps and request specific data points. This could optimize learning with less data. Imagine a self-driving car that asks for more examples of nighttime driving scenarios.

  • Transfer Learning: Pre-trained AI models are being adapted for new tasks; this leverages existing knowledge and reduces the need for entirely new datasets. It's like teaching someone a new language – they already know grammar and sentence structures, they just need the vocabulary.

  • Synthetic Data Generation: Creating synthetic data to train AI holds promise, but it requires careful development to mimic real-world scenarios. Imagine creating realistic traffic simulations or generating diverse faces using algorithms. AI could be trained on a broader spectrum of scenarios without compromising privacy. However, synthetic data requires careful crafting to avoid unrealistic scenarios or perpetuating existing biases within the algorithms themselves. AI trained on AI-generated data could hallucinate more because of missing real-world information.

  • Human-in-the-Loop Learning: Integrating human feedback and expertise into the training process can guide AI models and potentially reduce the data needed to achieve desired results. Imagine an AI learning a new skill, not just from data, but also from a human teacher who can provide feedback and guidance. This approach could not only accelerate learning but also ensure AI development remains aligned with human values.

  • "Few-shot learning" techniques: These techniques allow AI to learn from a smaller dataset by focusing on extracting the most relevant information from each data point. This is akin to a human student who grasps a complex concept from a single, well-explained example.

These approaches offer a glimmer of hope. But they also present challenges. Active learning requires sophisticated algorithms, transfer learning depends heavily on the quality of pre-existing models, and human-in-the-loop learning introduces scalability issues. The quest for new fuel for AI's learning engine may lead us to discover entirely new ways for machines to learn and grow. And that, in itself, could be a groundbreaking discovery.


The reasons for data scarcity are multifaceted. Privacy concerns are on the rise, making people wary of sharing personal information. Additionally, the nature of data itself is evolving. As AI is increasingly used in complex domains like healthcare and finance, the need for more nuanced and specialized data becomes critical. However, obtaining such data often requires navigating ethical minefields, especially when dealing with sensitive information and absolute security requirements.

The data shortage is a challenge, but it may force researchers to develop more efficient and responsible ways to train AI. These may include ways to be more efficient with data, to create new techniques for data collection and utilization, and perhaps to move beyond data-driven learning paradigms altogether. There are also tools like Pieces built on top of existing LLMs that can leverage live context from your active workflow, providing much-needed context to generate a truly accurate response. By developing new techniques for efficient data utilization and exploring alternative training methods, AI's learning and growth could continue even with a lack of training data.

Martha J. Lindeman, Ph.D. headshot.
Martha J. Lindeman, Ph.D. headshot.

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Written by

Martha J. Lindeman, Ph.D.

Martha J. Lindeman, Ph.D.





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