Pieces User Stories: Easily find solutions to errors
In the months Karam has used Pieces, he's discovered a multitude of ways to use it, including overcoming errors and implementing found solutions.
Though Karam started using Pieces only a few months ago, the ways he uses it continuously evolve. “When I was new to Pieces, I was also new to coding. The work I was doing was always foreign; It felt like every time I wrote code, it was the first time I wrote it. I didn’t have anything to reuse ever because everything was a new frontier. As a young developer, but also as a fast case developer, I'm not doing the same thing over and over again. So, I've used Pieces in different workflows.”
One new way that Karam uses Pieces is to help overcome errors. “I have to run a certain command every time I start a new project in Flutter, and so I saved the one liner into Pieces. In the description, I describe the problem it solves. I also pasted in the exact error I get. So if I ever get that error, I can search the error and Pieces will return the solution.”
And, Pieces helps Karam reduce the time it takes to implement the solutions he finds online. “The last piece I saved was a terminal command. I was trying to fix my CocoaPods, and I couldn't solve this issue for like half an hour. One thing I kept doing over and over again was uninstalling CocoaPods, but there are like eight different CocoaPod pieces to install separately. Then, I came across one guy's snippet on Stack Overflow, which was a one-line terminal command that searches all of your files that have CocoaPods and then deletes CocoaPods automatically. It saved me eight lines of copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste.”