Pieces User Stories: Saving obscure commands
Anushka has seriously simplified her workflow by saving obscure Git commands, among other useful code snippets, in Pieces.
Anushka Gupta shines as a developer advocate at Pieces, where she uses her wide knowledge base to create content that educates, engages and helps developers; collaborates with marketing, design and engineering teams; provides technical review for all of our external content and more.
When she’s coding herself, she uses Pieces to save helpful snippets, whether she reaches for them every day or once in a blue moon.
One recent snippet that she saved to Pieces simplifies her personal workflow to make it easier for her to work with a team of developers. “Usually when I'm writing code, I break [a task] down into, like, hundreds of commits. Then, whenever I have to add a code review, I have to merge all of them into a single commit and then push it. This Git command combines all of your commits into one for a PR.”
Simply storing the command in Pieces has shaved time off of her workflow. “This isn’t a very common Git command and I never remember it, so I had to save the question on Stack Overflow about how this command works and revisit that browser page whenever I wanted to squash my commits or open a code review. I’ve been using this particular snippet for over a year, and I had to dig it up every single time. Now with Pieces, I just save that particular snippet in my Pieces repo and I can get it directly from there whenever I want to I want to open a code review or PR.”
Anushka has a story like this about nearly every snippet in her repository. Reducing the time she spends searching for snippets and re-reading how they work has sped up her coding workflow and allows her to keep making a difference at Pieces.