Single-Click Sharing
Share Code Snippets
Don’t just share code snippets, provide the entire context and metadata of your resource.
Share everything in a single click
Traditional snippet sharing neglects the larger context of where it came from. Maintain this invaluable context with AI-powered enrichment of origin details, related links/collaborators, tags, title, description and more.
Personalize your cloud domain
Effortlessly share code snippets, screenshots, and other resources with a personalized access link (e.g.,, in just a few steps.
Save a shared material
Even if the recipient doesn’t have Pieces installed, they can easily view the resource along with all of its useful context. However, Pieces users can save all of the info to their personal repo with a single click from the sharing preview link.
Share via GitHub Gist
Create a new public or private Gist, directly from Pieces! Simply share code snippets via GitHub Gists right from the share menu once you connect your GitHub account to our desktop app.
Edit or revoke shared snippets
Keep your colleagues, readers, students, customers and other recipients up to date by updating the cloud access link in the background - or revoke access completely if permission levels have changed.
Take your Teams collaboration further
Seamlessly share code snippets with your team with the Microsoft Teams plugin! Our simple @Pieces commands enable collaborators to save, enrich, extract and more, right from your chats!
10x your code collaboration
The art of writing technical documentation and other collaborative content is often lost when authors sacrifice context for conciseness. Now technical writers, developers, and instructors can share code snippets, error logs, config files, boilerplate, sample code, and other developer materials along with helpful metadata, without breaking their flow.
Intelligent workflows, simplified
Get More Done with Pieces.
Your development journey just became more intuitive and efficient. Less context switching, more seamless integration. With Pieces, the little things are proactively managed. Let's revolutionize your workflow together.
Pieces Now Integrated with Neovim!