
Aug 29, 2023

Aug 29, 2023

Best Workflow Automation Software to Streamline Your Development Process

Learn how workflow automation software will streamline your development process. This article compares the significant value that Pieces offers against other tools.

Photo of a desk with a laptop, notepad and a cup of coffee on top of it.
Photo of a desk with a laptop, notepad and a cup of coffee on top of it.
Photo of a desk with a laptop, notepad and a cup of coffee on top of it.

In today's fast-paced world of software development, efficiency and productivity are paramount. As developers and IT professionals juggle various tasks and applications, the need for seamless workflow automation has become crucial. Several excellent tools, such as Zapier, Integrately, Celigo, and Twilio Segment, have emerged to simplify integration between applications. However, while these tools are powerful on their own, how helpful are they to something as unique as a developer's workflow?

This article introduces you to a game-changing tool, Pieces, which acts as the missing link in the automation ecosystem. You'll first see some of the pros and cons of common workflow automation tools. The article then delves into the core features of Pieces, explores how it differs from other workflow automation tools, and highlights its benefits as a tool for developers.

Workflow Automation Tools

As mentioned, contemporary applications and systems need effective communication to provide a smooth user experience and minimize the need for frequent context switching. Workflow automation tools bridge the gap between disparate applications, enabling them to work cohesively by triggering actions based on specific events or data.

In this context, Pieces is a robust productivity suite that offers powerful automation tools. However, before delving into the magic of Pieces, let's take a look at some of the other most popular tools available and their pros and cons.


Zapier is undoubtedly one of the most popular workflow automation platforms. Its user-friendly interface empowers users, even those without coding knowledge, to create automation workflows known as "Zaps." With an extensive library of integrations, Zapier enables developers to automate repetitive tasks by chaining them together, saving time and effort.


Zapier is incredibly intuitive and easy to set up. Signing up takes very little time, and the start-up process allows you to check off the list of applications you use personally or professionally. Based on the options selected, Zapier shows some of the more popular workflows with your products. For instance, if you check off Google Drive and Gmail, an example recommended workflow (or "Zap") includes sending an email every time a PDF file has been uploaded to a specific folder in Google Drive.

The illustration Zapier provides is easy to understand. By simply clicking on a task, Zapier will tell you the details it needs. For example, to use Google Drive, Zapier needs permission to access the files. Similarly, Zapier needs permission to use Gmail so it can send emails to others.

Secondly, its library of applications boasts over 5,000 products that you can chain together, streamlining much of your workflow to meet your needs. With the large number of applications you can use, creating unique workflows and customizing them in ways that fit your needs becomes much easier.

Lastly, the free plan provides a variety of services that will accomplish much of what you have in mind. Simple tasks that require automation for most of the applications will be fairly straightforward, meaning you won't have to pay anything to try things out and automate your work.


With that said, Zapier is considered a no-code solution to the automation process. It's helpful for most jobs, but in the context of "development" tools, Zapier is fairly limited. It has access to GitHub, so it could, for example, create a Trello card every time a pull request has been merged or send a chat to someone on Microsoft Teams when a new commit has been made. However, when it comes to dealing with more complex things like formatting code snippets or contextualizing them in specific groups and languages, Zapier is not as helpful.


Integrately is another powerful workflow automation tool that's designed to simplify integration between various apps. It offers prebuilt automation templates for common use cases called "Magic Workflows," allowing users to set up complex workflows quickly. Users familiar with Zapier will find that they can pick up Integrately fairly quickly, as their use cases are fairly similar.


Compared to Zapier, Integrately provides a more user-friendly interface by giving users fewer choices to make as they begin their work. Integrately also provides a much longer list of prebuilt workflows to help you navigate your options and explore what you can do.

It also has a more budget-friendly pricing plan compared to Zapier, boasting on its blog that the application "proves to be much more cost-effective as the tasks offered for the pricing structure are more friendly."

On top of that, users also receive 24/5 customer support, and their team members are even willing to set up automation flows for you if you'd prefer. Onboarding non-technical users, therefore, will be simpler due to the amount of support Integrately provides.


Compared to Zapier, however, Integrately has fairly limited app integrations. Many of the cons of Zapier apply directly to Integrately since it strives to appeal to a broader audience than primarily developers. Those working with code who are looking for tools to automate some of their workflow will find many of the features lacking, as they're unable to do things that will aid them in debugging, code sharing, or integrating with familiar IDEs like VS Code.


For enterprises dealing with large-scale data and complex workflows, Celigo offers robust automation capabilities. It specializes in integrating cloud-based applications and e-commerce platforms, making it a top choice for businesses handling substantial amounts of data.


As mentioned above, Celigo provides enterprise-grade automation capabilities, something unique to its business compared to the others on the list. Celigo provides advanced data mapping and transformation features, allowing users to write JavaScript directly at any step to customize their workflow. It also integrates with common technologies many developers are familiar with that are not available on other platforms on the list, such as Oracle, MongoDB, and SAP Concur, among others. Celigo also provides ways for users to leverage its patented AI technology, which understands every API error and provides error messages that aid in the debugging process.


Since Celigo's primary audience is not individuals but companies dealing with large amounts of data, individual developers may find it difficult to configure the workflow in a way that helps their development process. After all, Celigo's purpose is to automate business workflows, not developer workflows. Indeed, even signing up with Celigo requires having a business email address, so developers wishing to try out the application beforehand will not be able to use their personal email.

Celigo also requires some technical expertise for setup and configuration. Though Celigo is noted for having excellent customer service that can help set up the software, the learning curve can be steeper than with tools like Zapier and Integrately.

Twilio Segment

Twilio Segment caters more to marketing and analytics use cases, offering a customer data platform (CDP) to manage customer data across various channels. Twilio Segment provides comprehensive customer data management by taking complex data from your applications, transforming it into a unified source, and subsequently linking it to various platforms. While its primary focus is on marketing, it can be integrated into development workflows to make data-driven decisions.


Twilio Segment makes it easy for developers to simplify their workflow by turning data from multiple sources into more organized code and providing cleaner analytics about their users. Segment provides one of the most powerful tools for collecting, cleaning, and illustrating data, and with their business-level plan, developers can even transform and filter data before it proceeds to the data warehouse, Facebook advertising, or other related destinations.

More importantly, it can unify customer data in a way that is intuitive by creating customer profiles that allow developers to target their customers with content that is more direct overall. Twilio Segment is therefore a major player in organizing user data for developers who need that insight.


For workflow automation, however, Segment is fairly limited. It's primarily designed to collect and clarify data, so it seems more suitable for marketing needs for businesses that would like data on what their users are doing. For more fully-fledged workflow automation, Segment may require additional tools to provide developers with the functionality they need. For example, if developers were debugging a test application or adding new features in a non-prod environment, Segment would not be very helpful, as it can only reveal how users interact with their website.

Pieces: The Missing Link in Workflow Automation

Despite the robust features offered by these workflow automation tools, their usefulness to developers does have limitations. A developer's workflow requires a different tool set. For example, a developer's workflow for adding new features may involve searching for information on preexisting code snippets to borrow from, contextualizing that code to fit the product, sharing these resources with teammates, and debugging any implementation errors that may occur. This is why Pieces is unique: it's a tool made to perfectly fit the workflow of a user who codes.

The following sections highlight some of the key features that make Pieces such a valuable tool.

Saving Snippets from the Browser in One Click

The Pieces Chrome Extension.

Image courtesy of Pieces

Pieces can save code snippets from your browser with a single click. Gone are the days of manually copying and pasting code only to lose vital context in the process. Pieces captures not only the code snippet but also all relevant enrichment information, reducing the cost of context switching and workflow friction.

Working with numerous code snippets often leads to confusion about their context and origin. Pieces addresses this pain point by providing a clear overview of each snippet's context. Developers can easily identify the website source, related links, and descriptive information associated with each snippet, ensuring that no valuable context is lost.

This means that developers can now effortlessly bookmark and organize code snippets while maintaining essential context for future reference. For example, let's say you want to write some tests for your API in Go, but you don't remember exactly how to create interfaces. Using every developer's favorite tool (a Google search), you find an article that shows how you can create an interface so you can mock one out in your unit tests.

After finding the code snippet you'd like to remember, you can copy and paste the code into your Pieces app, and voilà! Even better, Pieces has a Chrome extension that allows you to hover and save the code snippet directly into the app. Pieces automatically titles your code snippet for you, adds the proper context and reading materials, tags it, and provides a description along with suggested searches if you want to do any further research.

Pasted code snippet with auto-generated context by Pieces.

You can see the context that Pieces generated for the code in this example along with the snippet here.

You no longer have to remember much of the context surrounding the code because Pieces saves that information along with the code for you. You won't have to remember why you saved this snippet, what you were trying to solve, or what application this code was a part of!

Quick and Intelligent Search Functionality

If you work with multiple programming languages across different domains (frontend, backend, DevOps, and so on), context switching can take up much of your time, energy, and focus. This is why the search functionality in Pieces is so useful.

If you ever have to go back to find out how to create an interface in Golang, you can search for the code that you saved in multiple ways: through a full-text search (if you remember a specific part of the code snippet), a neural code search (where you can use natural language to describe what you're looking for), or even with a different code snippet related to the one you're looking for. Pieces combines all three ways in its default search and can detect the code in your list of saved snippets.

Since Pieces has already generated tags for you, searching becomes much easier as the context surrounding the code snippet is already tied to what you're trying to find. Even pasting a completely different Go interface can still lead Pieces to the right code snippet you were searching for.

Furthermore, you can also generate a new code snippet for comparison using a simple description. By clicking "Generate a Snippet" and "Describe a Snippet to Generate," you can select the programming language you want the snippet in and simply type in a prompt, and Pieces will do the rest of the work for you. If you select Go as your programming language of choice and write "A Dog interface with the methods Bark() and Walk(), both returning error", Pieces will generate that code and allow you to save that snippet:

Code snippet generation with Pieces.

In-Project Snippet Discovery

What if one code snippet is not enough for context? Though the description, suggested searches, and tags can be helpful for searching, Pieces provides an alternative that doesn't require context switching. By clicking "Discover Related" in the Pieces app, Pieces will use generative AI to return other code snippets that may be related to the code snippet you have.

For instance, clicking "Discover Related" on the Golang unit test you saved can generate a test to ensure that you receive the correct error message when you encounter an error. It also suggests what the interface you're trying to mock may look like, making it easier for you to put all the pieces of the code snippet together to make a complete interface with a mocked object and some unit tests. This intelligent search capability saves precious time and effort in locating the precise code needed for specific tasks.

Generating related code snippets with Pieces.

Code Language Transformation

When transitioning between projects that utilize different programming languages, code language transformation becomes critical. Pieces excels in this area, allowing developers to transform code snippets from one language to another with ease. This feature saves developers the trouble of manually converting code, further streamlining the development process.

Pieces switching Golang code to Typescript.

As an example, Pieces could transform the Dog interface made earlier into a TypeScript version and add comments explaining the code. Even for code that is not directly transferable from one language to another, Pieces will try to get the closest possible approximation. For example, you can write a Go function that returns two objects and attempt to transform it into a TypeScript function using Pieces. While TypeScript does not allow you to directly return two distinct objects, Pieces will replace the two objects with an array containing both. It will also provide plenty of comments to help the developer understand what changes occurred.

VS Code Extension and Your Own Personal Micro-Repo

The Pieces VS Code Extension.

If you prefer to stick closely to an IDE like VS Code instead of switching to the Pieces app, Pieces also has a VS Code extension that allows you to save, explore, and search the same way you would when using the desktop application. The tool provides a centralized micro-repository where you can store and systematically organize your code snippets. Connecting your Pieces account to your Pieces extension ensures that snippets are easily accessible in your IDE, where you can copy and paste your saved code snippet directly into your project without ever having to engage in context switching.

Integration in Dev Workflows

Pieces is designed to seamlessly integrate into developers' existing workflows, making it a natural extension of their toolkit. The Microsoft Teams plugin, for example, allows users to save snippets directly from chats in Teams by right-clicking any code snippet or chat message and clicking "Save to Pieces." Now, developers can reference chat conversations, related links, and more right from the saved snippet in the Pieces desktop app.

The Pieces Microsoft Teams App.

Image courtesy of Pieces

While there are many other features that could be discussed regarding this Pieces plugin, one that's particularly noteworthy is the Pieces bot. Developers will have the option to chat directly with the bot and use it to generate code. You can simply type "Question:" followed by a natural language prompt. Pieces will then use AI to generate code snippets that you can send directly to your teammates without having to switch between open windows to do so. This feature facilitates real-time collaboration and encourages seamless knowledge sharing among team members.

Since much of a developer's time is also spent collaborating on code snippets with other team members, Pieces makes this process even more efficient with its own shareable links. These links go beyond simply sending the code itself; they include related metadata such as the source web page, links to related information, contributors, and a description of how the snippet should be used. Team members who receive the shared link will receive the code's full context, saving everyone time and mental energy while fostering a culture of effective collaboration.

You can see more of the features described in action here.


This article explored the significance of workflow automation tools such as Zapier, Integrately, Celigo, and Twilio Segment in streamlining development processes. While these tools excel in their respective domains, their usefulness is limited in the context of a developer's workflow, where the process requires interaction with codebases and their diverse contexts. This is where Pieces emerges as a practical solution that streamlines interactions between various developer tools and applications and ultimately prevents developers from having to switch contexts and drain their mental energy.

With its unique features such as one-click snippet saving, intelligent search, in-project discovery, and code transformation, Pieces empowers developers to use a single app to unify many disparate processes. Its integration with Chrome and Microsoft Teams (and many more) makes it a natural part of a developer's toolkit, encouraging real-time collaboration and knowledge sharing.

If you're looking to optimize your development process, streamline interactions between different developer tools, and enhance team collaboration, Pieces is undoubtedly the missing link you've been looking for. Click here to see how Pieces can automate your workflow today!

Photo of the author: Ben Smitthimedhin.
Photo of the author: Ben Smitthimedhin.

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Ben Smitthimedhin

Ben Smitthimedhin



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