
Oct 25, 2022

Paste images & improved Snippet Discovery

As Pieces for Developers becomes a part of your workflow, we know how important the details are. In this release, you’ll find quality of life improvements.

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As Pieces for Developers becomes a part of your everyday workflow, we know how important the small details are. In this release, you’ll find very helpful quality of life changes for saving images to Pieces and improvements to our recently introduced Snippet Discovery feature.

Paste Images

Especially for Windows users, it’s important to be able to seamlessly paste images from your clipboard into the Pieces Desktop app. Now, you can! Paste images from around the web or the screenshots you take throughout your day directly into Pieces. As a reminder, you can drag & drop images, too!

Improved Snippet Discovery

We’ve been blown away by the feedback from users on our new Snippet Discovery feature, where you can discover useful snippets from any file or directory. One issue we found was around dependency folders such as node_modules, where we incurred some serious performance problems. What better way to fix this than to leverage .gitignore files?

With this update, Snippet Discovery will detect if a .gitignore file is present and use that to filter out unwanted files such as build, dist, node_modules and more. This way, the files in which we discover snippets are your actual working files.

We’d love to hear any feedback and/or constructive criticism you have about our Snippet Discovery feature, so give it a try and let us know here.

General Bug Fixes & Improvements

Users were receiving survey dialogs multiple times in a short period of time. This should now be fixed, so you should only see them once. ✅

If you keep finding ‘em 🪲, we’ll keep crushing ‘em! There is no bug or flaw too small for us to address. If you see something, say something, and our team will make sure to take care of it as quickly as possible.

Join our Beta Testing Program

Do you want to try the newest features of Pieces before they’re released? Do you want to make a difference in Pieces’ development? Sign up for our Beta Testing Program!


As always, if you run into issues or have feedback, please fill out this quick form or email us at and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!