
Sep 28, 2021

Drag & Drop on macOS, Suggest a Language, and More!

Today's release includes updates around adding and viewing pieces, finding pieces throughout your repo, and getting updates for the Pieces Desktop app.

Pieces Suite


Pieces OS

For newer users, Pieces OS is the background service that enables Pieces to work locally and handles communications with any integrations you install.

  • Support for automatically launching Pieces OS on machine boot-up on Windows

Pieces for Developers

For newer users, Pieces for Developers is the core user-facing Pieces application.

Adding Pieces

  • MacOS users can now drag and drop code files into Pieces to create a snippet

  • Users can now dismiss the reclassify/rename prompt by clicking ‘Dismiss’

Viewing and Managing Pieces

  • Users can now suggest a language if they cannot find what they're looking for in the Reclassification Menu

  • Users can visually see scrollbars while scrolling code

  • Users can scroll the editor using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows on the keyboard

  • Improved code editor support and syntax highlighting

Finding Pieces

  • Search string highlight matches are now background-highlighted for improved readability

  • Users can now click 'Esc' to re-focus their search after unfocusing

Installing & Configuring Pieces

  • Users can check for updates inside of the settings menu

  • Users can see their app information inside of the settings menu

  • Improved shortcuts and new shortcut for Checking for Updates [CMD+U]

  • Users can navigate the onboarding experience using forward and back buttons

  • Users can now request support if they receive a ‘Disconnected’ message and Pieces displays an error

Pieces API

For newer users, you can install integrations here that enable in-app saving and retrieving of Pieces inside your favorite code editors and Chrome.

  • Expanded data model to support additional media types such as images / screenshots

  • Expanded the 'preview' property on the Asset model to now support additional formats

  • Updated SearchedAsset model with a new required property that will give more insight into why the returned asset is a match and what type of match: Fuzzy, Content, Title, Description, Multiple (for multiple matches)

  • Deprecation of integration-specific routes


Pieces Now Integrated with Neovim!