Sep 13, 2021
VS Code and UltraEdit Integrations are Live!
Users now receive an in-app message when creating a piece that prompts them to reclassify the code if the classification prediction confidence is low.
Sharing App
VS Code
Pieces OS
For newer users, Pieces OS is the background service that enables Pieces to work locally and handles communications with any integrations you install, among many other tasks.
Support for automatically launching Pieces OS on machine boot-up
Pieces database file moved to a non-temp location
New redirect pages for successful sign-in & sign-out
Pieces for Developers
For newer users, Pieces for Developers is the core user-facing Pieces application.
Saving Pieces
Users now receive an in-app message when creating a piece to reclassify the code if the classification prediction confidence is low
Viewing and Managing Your Pieces
Users can now zoom in/out with [CMD +] or [CMD -]
Users can now right-click anywhere to open the quick menu
Users can now triple-click to select all code in the preview
Renaming repopulates previous name if user edits the name and closes without saving
Improved support for long piece names
Improved navigation between drawers - click [esc] to navigate back to Quick Menu from submenus (rename, description, reclassify, delete)
Users can now see where a piece was saved from (its "origin") in the Quick Menu
Users can now click to the left and right of menus to exit/collapse
Users can now search by description
Bug fixes to search string highlighting
Pieces Integrations
For newer users, you can install integrations here that enable in-app saving and retrieving of Pieces inside your favorite code editors and Chrome.
Pieces for UltraEdit now in beta in partnership with our friends at UltraEdit
Save code directly from within UltraEdit
View your pieces directly within UltraEdit
Much more coming soon
VS Code
Released Pieces for VS Code
VS Code users can now save pieces from within VS Code using the right-click context menu or the [shift + cmd + v] keyboard shortcut (ctrl on windows)
Pieces API
Released a Connector API that will significantly improve developer experience when building integrations on Pieces OS
Infrastructure completed for upcoming Atom integration
Initial groundwork created for '<application>/suggestion' API endpoint
Initial groundwork created for '<application>/reaction' API endpoint